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The Tyranny of Email Marketing

David Florig

Selling a book is a bigger challenge than I imagined. Letting people know about the book and how to order it, especially through email marketing, stinks. I run the risk of annoying people with emails, recognizing that most people, if they're at all like me, won't even open them, even if they land in the Inbox rather than the Junk/Spam box. Nevertheless, I persist. It's the cost of doing business, I guess. I apologize in advance to those who would rather not receive updates, and will immediately remove anyone who no longer wants to receive them from my list.

Anyway, with The Stones of Ailsa Craig now available for Pre-Order in the Shop, I have to take the plunge. I apologize for yet another email, and will not be offended in the least by Unsubscribes.

For those of you who are interested in The Stones of Ailsa Craig (my first novel, BTW), thank you so much for your kind words and support. Pre-ordering helps with inventory control, enables me to ship on the first day the book is released, and allows time for a personal dedication and autograph, if you wish.

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